The Southern California Employment Law Group

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Southern California Employment Law Group PC

Origin and Race Discrimination Lawyers


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Challenges and Solutions in Combating Color and National Origin Discrimination

Color, as opposed to race, refers to the color of one’s skin. Even if discrimination is alleged against a member of the same race, the color of one’s skin might be used as a foundation for a lawsuit. “Race” is a broad term that refers to groups of people whose ancestry or ethnic features can identify. On its face, “national origin” refers to “a person’s birth country or, more broadly, the place from whence his or her ancestors immigrated.” Employer guidelines mandating employees to use English at all times in the workplace may constitute national origin discrimination. According to the lawsuit, they may even create a hostile work environment for non-English speakers or workers who prefer to converse in a foreign language on the job. Furthermore, discrimination based on a person’s dialect or clothing regulations against ethnic apparel may be grounds for a claim of national origin discrimination.


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Impermissible Race and Origin Discrimination

Discrimination based on race, ethnicity, or national origin refers to how someone is treated differently because of where they were born, how they look, or their ancestry. Discrimination based on race, ethnicity, and national origin frequently overlaps and has different meanings for different people.

An individual's physical characteristics, such as skin color, hair color, and facial features, are referred to as race. An example is referring to persons as black, white, red, or yellow. Ethnicity is a term that relates to a person's cultural features. The term "national origin" refers to a person's birthplace or the birthplace of an ancestor. Physical, cultural, or linguistic features associated with a national origin group, marriage to or association with a national origin group, or tribe identification are all examples.

  • Employer rules requiring employees to speak English at all times while on the job may constitute discrimination based on national origin.
  • Employer rules preferring one ethnic group over another.
  • Providing preferential treatment to one ethnic group over another.
  • Using derogatory or negative language about an employee's race, ethnicity, or national origin.
  • Racism in employment is illegal even if the person is wrong about the victim's race.

What To Do To Protect Against Race Discrimination?

Defense Against Discrimination

If you accidentally suspect race, gender, or color discrimination, you can seek protection. There are several methods. You can start by complaining to the EEOC or DFEH.
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Sharing Information Effectively

Notify DFEH. You can request which agency shares relevant information with the other. Before filing a lawsuit, report the discrimination to any agency and exhaust administrative remedies.
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How do I know if I was discriminated against because of my national origin?

It is not always easy to tell if you are being discriminated against in the workplace. Most workplace discrimination is subtle or never admitted openly. Employers are generally aware that outward discrimination could expose the employer to a lawsuit. However, there may be signs of discrimination because of your national origin. Improper questions during an interview or application process may be a sign of potential national origin discrimination violations.

  • During the interview process, you may be asked questions about your nationality, lineage, ancestry, parents’ ancestry, applicant’s spouse’s ancestry, background, and cultural heritage.
  • There are other signs that may indicate possible discrimination, such as sudden changes in job performance reviews, exclusion from meetings and events, or changes in work duties or workload increases.

In some cases, an employer may be of the same national origin as you. However, even if your employer is from the same national origin, it is still illegal for them to discriminate against you based on national origin.

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Employment Rights Attorneys in LA

We are committed to standing up for the rights of all workers, whether blue or white-collar, and we are ready to put our extensive resources to work for you to help you get the compensation and justice you deserve if you have been wronged on the job. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

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Harassment on the basis of a person's refusal to engage in sexual activity can take many forms, ranging from unwanted sexual advances to the denial of employment opportunities.

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Were you illegally discriminated against at work based on your age, race, religion, or gender? Were you denied a promotion or fired based on these factors?

(FMLA) & Disability

We assist workers who have been mistreated because of their disabilities or denied leave under the FMLA. Meet with our attorneys today if you need help..

Wrongful Termination

We hold employers accountable who fire employees for illegitimate and illegal reasons. Contact us whether your employer created a hostile work environment or fired you..

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Frequently Asked Questions

A: Age discrimination is treating an individual unfairly or differently because of their age. This can include denying employment, promotions, or training opportunities based on age.

A: In the United States, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) prohibits employment discrimination against individuals who are 40 years of age or older. Some states may have additional laws protecting against age discrimination.

A: Yes, age discrimination can occur during any stage of the employment process, including hiring. For example, an employer may choose not to hire someone based solely on their age, even if they are otherwise qualified for the position.

A: If you believe you have been a victim of age discrimination, you should speak with an employment lawyer or file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The EEOC investigates claims of discrimination and may take legal action against employers who violate anti-discrimination laws.

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Unique Experience Tailored To You
Lisa B.
Lisa B.
From beginning to end the team at this firm were responsive, professional, and most of allCARING! I WILL RECOMMEND this firm to anyone having issues with an employer. Andrew Doroitt and his team are AWESOME!
Miguel C.
Miguel C.
Atty Zelma is very helpful and very knowledgeable in labor disputes. Very approachable and really keep me updated of what is going on and guided me what to do. The support staff were also very helpful and very fast in answering your questions. I am very happy of my case and I would recommend him to colleagues and friends.
Pamela R.
Pamela R.
I highly recommend southern California labor law group especially attorney Michael Zelman he was fantastic in handling my case of unlawful termination his staff of Paralegal's were very kind courteous and professional and handling all matters of my case I was very satisfied with the results achieved using Michael Zelman of Southern California Employment Law Group
Chris M.
Chris M.
Michael and Eric represented me in 2017.  They quickly assimilated the details of my case.  Proposed an action plan and acted quickly to make progress.  They were diligent and creative.  I was impressed.  I recommend them without hesitation.
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We’re ready to fight for you. We’re ready to be your ally and we are ready to begin right now. Don’t waste another day, contact our law office today.

We offer free phone consultations, or fill out the form if you have questions about filing an employment claim in Los Angeles, CA. against your employer. We are the best law firm in the Los Angeles, CA.

An Exceptionally
Unique Experience Tailored To You
Lisa B.
Lisa B.
From beginning to end the team at this firm were responsive, professional, and most of allCARING! I WILL RECOMMEND this firm to anyone having issues with an employer. Andrew Doroitt and his team are AWESOME!
Miguel C.
Miguel C.
Atty Zelma is very helpful and very knowledgeable in labor disputes. Very approachable and really keep me updated of what is going on and guided me what to do. The support staff were also very helpful and very fast in answering your questions. I am very happy of my case and I would recommend him to colleagues and friends.
Pamela R.
Pamela R.
I highly recommend southern California labor law group especially attorney Michael Zelman he was fantastic in handling my case of unlawful termination his staff of Paralegal's were very kind courteous and professional and handling all matters of my case I was very satisfied with the results achieved using Michael Zelman of Southern California Employment Law Group
Chris M.
Chris M.
Michael and Eric represented me in 2017.  They quickly assimilated the details of my case.  Proposed an action plan and acted quickly to make progress.  They were diligent and creative.  I was impressed.  I recommend them without hesitation.

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