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Empowering Change: Understanding Sexual Harassment Law and Your Rights

What are the Sexual Harassment Law & Your Employment Rights | Socal Employment Law

Incidents like sexual harassment destroy a worker from within. This not only reduces worker productivity but also weakens employee confidence. In California, incidents involving worker discrimination and sexual harassment are growing each passing day. Observing the rapidly growing rate of such incidents, the California government has implemented some strict rules that are popular with the term “sexual harassment law”. So, being a California worker, do you have an understanding of sexual harassment law and your rights under these laws, and what laws protect employees from sexual harassment? If you are not aware or familiar with your legal liberties then you must speak to the employment lawyer in Los Angeles at Socal Employment.

Well, in the Golden State, the following laws are working wonderfully by forbidding instances of sexual harassment in the workplace:

  • California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) under the legal code section 12900-12996 restricts sexual discrimination in employment, including hiring, firing, and other employment conditions.
  • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 under the legal code section 2000e prohibits employment discrimination based on sex, covering California workers under federal law
  • California Family Rights Act (CFRA) under legal code 12945.2, outlaws discrimination based on gender or sex in family and medical leave policies

However to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace and to report the event of employment discrimination or sexual harassment to that state’s responsible legal authorities you initially must gather the proof to prove the incident is true. Before taking any step toward this, first You must learn that sexual advances without your concern or permission, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature are examples of what constitutes sexual harassment in the workplace in California. 

Set to empower change by stopping sexual harassment in the workplace with Socal labor.

Engage with prominent workplace sexual harassment lawyers at the leading sexual harassment law firm Socal Employment, which is dedicated to putting an end to workplace sexual harassment, to effect change. Our trained attorneys can provide professional guidance on how to prevent workplace sexual harassment. Also, we are entirely mindful of the terms of workplace sexual harassment. We can ensure that victims receive justice since we are aware of California’s sexual harassment laws. Our employment lawyers in Los Angeles have extensive experience protecting employees from sexual harassment and offer comprehensive legal support.


In the USA, don’t let sexual assault at work go unnoticed or dull your confidence, productivity, or self-worth. Speak with the competent lawyers for sexual harassment at the best sexual harassment law firm, Socal Employment. We are aware of California’s rules against sexual harassment, we will fight for your justice. Set up a consultation at (424) 688-1057 session as soon as possible with the employment lawyer in Los Angeles to begin the process of ending discrimination and harassment at work.

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